Monday, March 12, 2018

My poor Juju: 3-11-18

UPDATE: He will be fine, he just got a boo boo.  From when I squished him, in my chair last week...
Doctor saw a x-ray of his liver being traumized and he said it must have gotten pitched when I went down on him. :(  They said within 3-5 days he should be back to his old self. They sent us home with some anti-inflammatory pills and big bill. :/
I'm just glad, he will be okay. But feel bad, all this was my doing (even though it was an accident). Thanks again all for your prayers and positive thoughts, they helped!


My Julius has not acting himself the past couple days. He will act fine, then he will act skittish and walking around slowly like he's scared or in pain. When I picked him up though today, which he normally does not let me do with some kind of argument, he just did. And just laid on my chest with ease. But it also felt like he was shivering. :(
I called my mom to let her know my concerns as she knew about his recent new behaviors and said he may have gotten into "something" but the question is what?!? As, he has not been outside in awhile.  So, we could use some prayers that whatever is up with Juju will pass.  Because he's my calming boy, and if anything were to happen to him, I don't know what I do. :(

Yes, my mom is willing to take him to the ER Vet if it seems like it's an emergency. But that does not come cheap either. But we will do whatever it takes to see what's wrong with my Juju.

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