Friday, February 11, 2011

Introductions to the Furbabies

Tiffani is a Tortoise Shell semi long hair cat and had her since March 1993 so she pretty old. She is currently living at my mom's house, I went to college and she stayed there since. Tiffani became a part of my life when I lost another furbaby of mine due to FLV. Mom and I went to downtown in the ghetto area where *Because You Care sent us. When we arrived there, there were cats everywhere and the place smelled like urine and there were two dogs there too. But then the lady, set down a laundry basket full of kittens on the floor for me to look at and boy were they adorable. I played and moved them all around until I reached to the bottom of the batch where I found "her" the only one who actually played with me. I knew she was the one. So we took her home and I named her Tiffani after the Fancy Fest cat. Right now, in her old age she is suffering chronic bronchitis and is deaf. But is still a wonderful sweet lap cat.

Sadie is a Tortoise Shell cat and will be turning 11 years old this year. She became a part of my life when my Ex-husband bought her at a local pet store. I considered her as my Mother's Day gift since he gave her to me on Mother's Day weekend. And she was my second furbaby I had. I just fell in love with her colors that is what made me want her so much. Every night she and I have a ritual of saying goodnight to each other by her jumping on my stomach in my bed and I consider that our special moment together that we have every night. Sadie got her name from the place my Ex-H proposed to me, in Sedona, AZ (nicknamed as Sadie). But I also later realized her name means "princess" and that she is. :)

Angel Prince is a grey tiger tabby cat and will be 4 years old this July. He became a part of our lives when his mama gave birth to him in my house. I ended up kitty sitting his parents (for a friend of mine) for a while. So, as a thank you and as birthday gift for my daughter we we blessed to get Angel Prince. We may have been blessed but his birth story was a remarkable one. All but him and his sister "Miracle" died. Mama kitty had 6 kittens in all but 2 lived. How his sister lived was by the Mama chewing her one back paw off and as for "AP" he had to get the afterbirth cut off his umbilical cord or he could have died. Later down the road, AP had hernia but got it removed though. Angel Prince is so lovable and "fat" and we love him to death. Just recently, he has become a lap cat. ;-) He got his name from Alexis and I combining two names together-she wanted an angel and I thought since we had a princess in the house we needed a "Prince" too.

George-"Our Visitor Cat" You are probably wondering what do I mean by visitor cat? Well he is not our cat and he is only staying for a while LOL. We are kitty sitting again for another friend who could have furbabies in her new place. So, being a good friend that I am (and my husband too). We said we would keep him for her until they can move into another place. So until then, he is a part of our family.
George is a orange and white tabby and is about 6 months old now. His favorite thing to do is get into trouble LOL. He loves to terrorize Angel Prince and Sadie all the time. He got his name by how curious he is aka "curious george".


KnottedFingers said...

I've never seen Tiffani she's GORGEOUS! George is an adorable Visitor Cat. I want to snuggle him

Oskar said...

What a purrfect family you have.

I've got a blog that I would love for you to check out, It's a great place for pet bloggers to come together and support each other.

Nubbin wiggles,

Kiril Kundurazieff said...

Nikita Cat: Hello there, and welcome to the wonderful world of Cat Blogging, one, and all!

I am a Repurrter for The Cat Blogosphere website, and have been blogging since 2002, and for a year on my own blog.

Your Cats are quite beautiful. ;-D

Elvira Mistress of Pussydom:

Cool a fellow Tortie!! Can't have too many of us running around!

Oh, um, Hi, I'm a year old, and Nikita is my Mentor, and Daddy Kiril is our Human.

Welcome to the Cat Blogging Community! ;-D

Dori said...

@Oskar I been to Pet Blogs United and I am looking forward in being a part of your community. :)

@Nikita Cat thank you for the compliments about Our Furbabies and for welcoming me into the cat blogging community!