Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Furbabies were treated for fleas

Well it was that time to treat the babies with Advantage http://www.1800petmeds.com/Advantage-prod10433.html for fleas. We saw some fleas on George again so we knew is was that time again for all of them. The last time we did it was about a month ago so it was time. The only problem is the fact our babies do not like being treated even though it is good for them. So it was a chore to get them treated for my husband.

We like Advantage or Frontline and use them on our Furbabies as directed. Because when Angel Prince was a kitten we did have a scare and he almost died due to a flea infestation. When we (my friend and I) gave him a flea bath fleas poured off him along with blood. :( I learned then from that moment on to use a product like Advantage on my Furbabies.
I go and get my Furbabies flea treatment at www.1800petmeds.com because you do get good deals and it is cheaper than getting it through your vet. I give Advantage 5 out 5 stars as well as 1800PetMeds.com. I get Frontline too sometimes for ticks and fleas during the spring/summer season when I am worried my babies may escape outside but the reason I don't use it other times in the fact it is more expensive is all. But it does the same job as Advantage. So I also give it 5 out of 5 stars.

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