Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can't you feel the love tonight? LOL

I caught the boys licking each other last night and thought it was cute...when normally they kitty ninja each other LOL

Here is a video from the Lion King, "Can't you feel the Love tonight".:


KnottedFingers said...

Awwwww Sweet boys!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Dori Hi! So glad you stopped by my blog because now I found YOURS and I am your newest follower!
Your kitties are precious and you won me over with the Lion King video, that song and movie are some of my favorite things!
I noticed you are from Erie, I went to college with a girl from Erie (we were great friends)...her name was Lisa Russell (Russell was her maiden name) So happy to meet you!

Dori said...

Welcome to our blog Caren and Cody! I am glad you came over and I hope you continue to enjoy our blog as I do yours. That is cool that you know someone from little ole Erie. See you around!